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All indicators of the Misk Tadawul stock

เริ่มโดย doaausef3li, ส.ค 17, 2024, 12:36 ก่อนเที่ยง

หัวข้อก่อนหน้า - หัวข้อถัดไป


The Misk Tadawul stock recorded some new numbers in the stock indicators during the last trading sessions as follows:

The last price recorded by the Misk Tadawul stock was SAR 20.02.
The change rate is 0.40%.
The change is 0.08.
The opening price is SAR 20.
The lowest price is SAR 19.82.
The highest price is SAR 20.20.
The previous closing is SAR 19.94.كم سعر سهم مسك
Percentage change in three months 2.25% - in six months 15.31% - in 12 months 32.93%.
Percentage change since the beginning of the year 1.09%.
Daily trading volume 556,709 Saudi riyals.
Daily trading value 11,171,947.00 Saudi riyals.
Average trading volume in three months 1,381,403.47 Saudi riyals.
Average trading value in three months 28,089,340.88 Saudi riyals.
Number of stock deals 1144 deals.
Market value of the stock 800.80 Saudi riyals.
Average number of deals in three months 2,497.03 deals.


"Examining all indicators of the Misk Tadawul bahis şirketi Qizilbilet stock provides a comprehensive view of its performance and potential. By analyzing metrics such as price trends, trading volume, and market sentiment, investors can make informed decisions and better understand the stock's position in the market."


"Explore all indicators of the Misk Tadawul stock IPTV to get a comprehensive view of its performance and trends. Analyzing these indicators can help in making informed investment decisions."