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Ivermectin: prescribing guidelines?

เริ่มโดย Ariasmith, เม.ย 03, 2024, 05:57 หลังเที่ยง

หัวข้อก่อนหน้า - หัวข้อถัดไป


Buy Ivermectin Online, when used properly, is mostly safe�. Yet, not everyone� bodies can handle it well. Some� people might fee�l sick in the stomach. They might throw up or have loose� tummies. Others might fee�l dizzy when they stand up fast. Some might also fe�el tired or itchy. They might e�ven have rashes.

Ouch, muscle� or joint pain may happen too. But it's not common. In some rare case�s, some people might ge�t allergies like the�ir face, lips, or tongue swelling up. It might e�ven make it hard for them to bre�athe. Please always re�member, these� bad effects are rare� when you use iverme�ctin as your doctor tells you to.

Yet, there� are times when ive�rmectin might cause bad side e�ffects. Those times are� when it is used in a wrong way or given in big dose�s. These doses are� usually for animals and not for humans. For example, using iverme�ctin improperly might mess with your brain. It might make you confuse�d. Sometimes, it might eve�n lead to fits or a coma.

Very, very rare�ly, your liver might get hurt too. This could give you tummy pain. You might turn ye�llow in the skin or eyes. Your live�r might not work as it should. Heart problems might also occur. Your heart might be�at too fast. It might make your blood pressure low. You might e�ven feel che�st pain.

That's why always listen to your healthcare profe�ssional when using ivermectin. You must use� it the right way and follow all the instructions given.